Monday, May 4, 2020

Plastic Bags In Australia Haoran Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Plastic Bags In Australia Haoran. Answer: Problem statement The plastic bags pose many threats to the ecosystem which jeopardize human life and also give a bad impression of the environment, the excerpt is to identify the impact the polythene bags has on marine life which is major problem another problem is landfilling space, whereby the plastic bags because of their non-biodegradability makes it difficult in decomposing the materials. The expert also intends to solve the problem of greenhouse effect since when coal, oil, and gas are used they emit life-threatening greenhouse accelerators, on the other hand, the plastic pockets result in filling the land which is also a significant generator pf greenhouse accelerators. Lastly, plastic bags contribute much in cleaning up the filthiness, so governments incur many costs as they channel a lot of resources into the cleaning up programFehily (2009). Change is irresistible when a new dawn came every mechanism used to fight the ban was useless and the baby was set for birth. Different classes of people hovered with their interest glaring however change was due and ban had to be effected. Following more closely to the ban the council issued directives to the staff with their steadfast dictate on the process execution. Important to note is that the ban didi not allow space for adoption but it was actualized as soon as it was proposed. Objectives Help give the public, information that is up to date about issues on the anti-plastic. Another objective is that it helps recycle, reduce and reuse so as to achieve a zero waste policy. Helps educate the public about the effects of the plastic bags on the environment, how the plastic bags destroy the natural resources, the high cost incurred in the future so as to clean up the litter. It is overly broad referring to utilities. It should be incorporated as the elimination of impacts in relation to use of plastic carry out bags as environmental pollution, biological resources, terrestrial environment, water quality, marine, and aesthetics. In addition, the objective is varied since it supports past environmental impacts of the use of bags. It is considered as an objective with no negative documented environmental impact in relation to use of plastic bags, thus a not valid objective. The other objective aims at promoting a shift regarding the use of reusable carry out bags used by retai l customers. In an ordained proposal, the consumer has three choices; a reuse able bag, recyclable paper bag or no bag at all. Finally, decreasing litter and environment pollutants to prevent water systems, aesthetics, and terrestrial environment. This entails the summary of other objectivesJalil (2013). Credibility of the campaign To make the campaign more credible we have to consider several emerges, the campaign required a clearly delimitated goal which makes the campaign more achievable, the campaign demanded the understanding of the audience who are ones to make decisions concerning plastic bag ban. The campaign also for credibility calls for s more strong content reflecting the ant plastic use campaign, the message is required to concisely state what the purpose and overall aim of the campaign. A strategy is key in making the campaign credible because the campaigner will have the leverage of influencing decision makers to campaign with interest of reducing paper bag use. The campaign needs to make the ban of plastic bag a requirement, this is to be done through education of the public and also avail statistics and facts basing on how the plastic bags pollute the environment which is an expense to the taxpayers when money is used to persuade individuals to instead campaign. A strategy to implement the anti-plastic bag use will be: Enforcing measures for recycling and recovering of life end products Restriction of plastic bags supply Having must requirements in position concerning deposition of plastic bags Enforcing restrictions to some products to enhance recycling An integrated strategy map of this schemes is stipulated below. A strategy to implement the anti-plastic bag use will be: Enforcing measures for recycling and recovering of life end products Restriction of plastic bags supply Having must requirements in position concerning deposition of plastic bags Enforcing restrictions to some products to enhance recycling An integrated strategy map of this schemes is stipulated below. Campaign outcome The campaign objectives did not meet all the objectives at it was required there was still some significant plastic bag use. No substantial parity in effectiveness among the means of communication this was because of low intensity of campaign communications Oman(2010). Conclusion In summary, plastic bag ban is very important to the environment as reduces the green gas effect, marine life is protected from dirt emitted to it by plastic bags and lastly, a plastic-free environment is more appealing and gives a good look. A strategy to implement the anti-plastic bag use will be: Enforcing measures for recycling and recovering of life end products Restriction of plastic bags supply Having must requirements in position concerning deposition of plastic bags Enforcing restrictions to some products to enhance recycling An integrated strategy map of these schemes is stipulated below. Campaign outcome The campaign objectives did not meet all the objectives at it was required there was still some significant plastic bag use. No substantial parity in effectiveness among the means of communication this was because of low intensity of campaign communications. Conclusion In summary, plastic bag ban is very important to the environment as reduces the green gas effect, marine life is protected from dirt emitted to it by plastic bags and lastly, a plastic-free environment is more appealing and gives a good look. Campaign outcome The campaign objectives did not meet all the objectives at it was required there was still some significant plastic bag use. No substantial parity in effectiveness among the means of communication this was because of low intensity of campaign communications. Conclusion In summary, plastic bag ban is very important to the environment as reduces the green gas effect, marine life is protected from dirt emitted to it by plastic bags and lastly, a plastic-free environment is more appealing and gives a good look. Environment policy Environment policy will assist in the governance of anti-plastic use through the establishment of environmental laws and supporting initiatives. This is rules and norms based on environment pollution some of the environmental policies will include; a dedication to the environmental policy, this policy requires assessment of efforts to abbreviate pollution and bring off their innate resources. Establishment of performance reviews program, this will aid in establishing communicated decision concerning the environment. Having a monitoring and appraisal program. The environmental policy also needs to address how the public will be educated for sustainable development of the environment. Again the environment policy contains issued based on ecosystem impact assessment, industrial accidents, and water resources and lastly, it requires public participation for effective implementation Sutton(2012). A strategy to implement the anti-plastic bag use will be: Enforcing measures for recycling and recovering of life end products Restriction of plastic bags supply Having must requirements in position concerning deposition of plastic bags Enforcing restrictions to some products to enhance recycling An integrated strategy map of these schemes is stipulated below. Campaign outcome The campaign objectives did not meet all the objectives at it was required there was still some significant plastic bag use. No substantial parity in effectiveness among the means of communication this was because of low intensity of campaign communications. Conclusion In summary, plastic bag ban is very important to the environment as reduces the green gas effect, marine life is protected from dirt emitted to it by plastic bags and lastly, a plastic-free environment is more appealing and gives a good lookStakeholdermap (2017). References Fehily, T., Company (2009) Consultancy study on plastic bags. Report prepared for the Department of Environment and Local Government, Dublin. Haoran, H., 2010. The effects of an environmental policy on consumers: lessons from the Chinese plastic bag regulation. Institutionen fr nationalekonomi med statistic, Handelshgskolan vid Gteborgs Universitet. Homan, 2010. The effects of an environmental policy on consumers: lessons from the Chinese plastic bag regulation. Institutionen fr nationalekonomi med statistic, Handelshgskolan vid Gteborgs Universitet. Jalil, M.A., Mian, M.N. and Rahman, M.K., 2013. Using plastic bags and its damaging impact on environment and agriculture: An alternative proposal. International Journal of Learning and Development, 3(4), pp.1-14. Santos, S.C., Sousa, C.V.E., Sampaio, D.D.O. and Fagundes, A.F.A., 2013. The impact of using compostable carrier bags on consumer behavior in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Ambiente Sociedade, 16(4), pp.1-18. (2017). Articles on Stakeholder Management. Sutton, J. and Turner, B., 2012. Plastic Bags: Hazards and Mitigation.vvv

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